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Disentangled effects of the Reynolds and Stokes numbers on the clustering of heavy particles in turbulence
Further to intriguing results recently obtained (Fiabane et al., Phys. Rev. E 86, 2012), we study the clustering of heavy particles in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. We use glass particles of diameter ranging from 150 to 500 microns in flows with the Kolmogorov length scale ranging from 159 to 41 microns. We investigate the particle concentration using a Voronoï tessellation analysis for all the diameters, in flows with different level of turbulence. This makes possible the study of the disentangled effects of the Stokes and Reynolds numbers, comparing particles of the same diameter in different turbulent flows on the one hand, and particles of different diameters in flows with the same level of turbulence.Author(s):
Lionel Fiabane
Laboratoire de Physique - ENS de Lyon
Romain Volk
Laboratoire de Physique - ENS de Lyon
Jean-François Pinton
Laboratoire de Physique - ENS de Lyon
Mickaël Bourgoin
LEGI Grenoble