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A forced dissipated perspective on the ocean mesoscale turbulence
By considering the ocean mesoscale turbulence as a forced dissipated dynamical system a natural question is what sets the mean state and the level of turbulence, given a steady large-scale forcing? The turbulence pops in spontaneously as a consequence of the instability of the mean state when pushed beyond its stability zone by the forcing. The turbulence is the process that relaxes the imbalance imposed by the forcing. Two dynamical systems are studied: a 3D ocean model integrating the primitive equations and a low dimensional Hamiltonian system. Long time numerical integrations are performed and statistical quantities are diagnosed. These results are used as guidelines and test points to derive a statistical theory.Author(s):
Guillaume Roullet
Laboratoire de Physique des Oceans UMR6523, University of Brest
Xavier Capet
LOCEAN UMR 7159, University of Paris 6,
Radjesvarane Alexandre
Ecole Navale