European Turbulence Conference 14

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Reactive control of spatially developing turbulent boundary layer

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Reduction of losses caused by turbulent skin friction drag is of great economical and ecological interest. One of the promising turbulence control strategies is a reactive control, where instantaneous flow field information captured by sensors is used in order to determine actuator operation. Such control schemes exhibit high energy gain due to low power consumption. Although most previous control schemes have been assessed in fully developed turbulent channel fows, their applicability in spatially developing turbulent flows are not fully investigated. Moreover, previous investigations in boundary layers have so far not considered the control efficiency which can be estimated through evaluation of the power required to run the control. In the present work the control performance of reactive turbulence control is investigated in a turbulent boundary layer and a thorough analysis of the flow state is performed using the FIK-Identity [3] to clarify the drag reduction mechanism.


Alexander Stroh    
Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Yosuke Hasegawa    
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan

Bettina Frohnapfel    
Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


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