European Turbulence Conference 14

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Off-wall boundary conditions for bounded turbulent flow simulations

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We investigated the possibility of modeling off-wall boundary conditions for bounded turbulent flows. Such boundary conditions circumvent the need to resolve the buffer layer near the wall by providing conditions directly above it for the overlying flow. Our objective is to model the effect of the buffer layer on the overlying flow as an off-wall, Dirichlet boundary condition for the flow variables. We selected the plane at y+~=100 as our off-wall boundary, since this plane can be interpreted as a notional interface between the buffer and logarithmic regions. We tested different boundary conditions on channel flow with increasing levels of abstraction/modeling, starting from exact, time-resolved conditions from a previous DNS, all the way to a reduced-order model obtained from minimal flow units of a transitional boundary layer.


Ricardo Garcia-Mayoral    
Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University
United States

Brian Pierce    
Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University
United States

James Wallace    
Burgers Program for Fluid Dynamics, University of Maryland
United States


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