European Turbulence Conference 14

Accepted Talks Proceedings »

Direct numerical simulation of laminarization in the atmospheric boundary layer

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A well-known phenomenon in the atmospheric boundary layer is the facts that winds may become very weak in the evening after a clear sunny day. In these quiet conditions usually hardly any turbulence is present. Consequently, this type of boundary layer is referred to as the quasi-laminar boundary layer. In spite of its omnipresence, the appearance of the laminar boundary layer is poorly understood and forms a long-standing problem in meteorological research. In the present study we investigate an analogue problem in the form of a stably stratified channel flow. The flow is studied by using direct numerical simulations (DNS). Simulations reveal that flow laminarization occurs when the normalized surface heat extraction h/L is larger than 1.23. In a companioning study this laminarisation is explained by the maximum sustainable heat flux theory (MSHF), which will be validated in the present research.


Judith Donda    
Eindhoven Technical University

Bas Van de Wiel    
Eindhoven Technical University

Gert-Jan Van Heijst    
Eindhoven Technical University

Herman Clercx    
Eindhoven Technical University


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